Personal Essences
When you order a Personal Essence from me, I consult with my Essence Guides and your own Higher Self for the best combination of essences and elixirs for your highest and best good at this time. A Personal Essence combination can contains up to around 20 essences which are divided between morning and evening combinations. A complete printout of the essences and their definitions is provided.
Please e-mail or send a photo if possible, as well as your address and date of birth, and indicate whether you want your essences in brandy/water or vinegar/water.
Consists of two 1-ounce bottles, one for daytime use and one for during the night.
$44 plus $7 postage/handling (USA). Check with me for other countries.
Animal Essence
Animals are balancers of energy. They perform this task for us gladly and with love. Our imbalances can affect them as well. Animals usually respond quickly to essences. They have nothing in the way of doing so. Just put a few drops into the water bowl a few times each day.
I make essences for Animals in pure water only, so they must be kept refrigerated.
You may order an Animal Essence combination for your pet, for their highest and best good at this time. Please send a photo, name and place of residence.
1 oz. for $15.00 plus $7 postage & handling.